Albert Navarro-Gallinad:

Linking Air Quality and Health


By Albert Navarro-Gallinad

Researchers Night Activity
30th September 2022

What is air quality?

Air quality is a measure of how clean or polluted the air is. Polluted air can be bad for our health and the environment we live in. For example, toxic particles can go into our lungs and blood putting us at risk of having a disease.

person-air forest-pollution city-pollution

Image source: Minnesota PCA.


How can doctors use air quality information for our health?

Doctors can link air quality information from our environment with health events (such as chest infection or heart attack) to study the origin of the problems.

But linking the information can be difficult. That is why, computer scientists help doctors by making the connections easy for them.

Link air quality and health - Link #1

Select the country, place, weather and pollution related to the health event.

Send to the doctor

Answer from the doctor

